Your Vote, Your Voice

Your Vote, Your Voice
By Amanda Nole, CCFWG Intern

In the most recent episode of our Kitchen Table Talk series, GAB girl Emma sits down with Tam Williams and Pamela Gray from the League of Women Voters (LWV) to discuss the importance of voting, resources for voters, and the barriers that many people face getting out to vote. Through their discussion, we discovered many of the resources that LWV has to offer. On the LWV website, you will find voter newsletters, legislative directories, a customized voter’s guide to become informed about your candidates and more! If you don’t live in Chester County, you can also access online voter guides through Vote411, BallotReady or Ballotpedia.


“Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting.” -Franklin D. Roosevelt


It is too late to register to vote in PA for the November 6th election, but if you’re feeling inspired to vote in the future, you can find a link to register here. Don’t remember if you’re registered? There is a way to check your registration status either by name or PA state ID number. And if you know you’re registered, but need to find your polling place, click here.

In this episode, Emma asks what people who are too young to vote (like herself) or those who aren’t registered can do to get involved. Tam and Pam suggest offering neighbors, friends or family members rides to the polls, babysitting for people who don’t have a sitter but need to run to cast their ballots, handing out flyers and referring folks to voting information, or ordering Uber rides for those who may not be familiar with this type of technology. Both Uber and Lyft have advertised free and discounted rides to the polls on election day. 

Remember that every vote matters – we hope to see you out at the polls on November 6th!


Check out our Kitchen Table Talk series interview with Tam and Pam on the CCFWG website or YouTube channel.