The Fund has directed nearly $4.5 million to more than 95 nonprofit organizations in Chester County through its three grantmaking programs: Core Grants, ‘Moving Her Forward’ Impact Grants, and grants from our Girls Advisory Board (GAB). All Fund grantmaking comes from a restricted endowment at The Fund, and the organization raises money to support its operations and programming.

Core Grants

The majority of The Fund’s grants are awarded by our Core Grants Committee (CGC). Community members lead CGC, using their lived experience and philanthropy education from The Fund to make informed grantmaking decisions. These Core Grants use a gender lens and trust-based philanthropy to address challenges that affect women and girls in Chester CountyCore Grant recipients receive funding for two consecutive years. By awarding two years of funding to each organization, The Fund fosters stability, allowing nonprofits to plan and focus on providing high quality services and supports.

The application cycle for our most recent Core Grants closed on January 19, 2024, the next funding cycle will open December 2025. At that time, we will also provide a list of our funding priorities. If you’d like to receive updates on our Core Grants program, please sign up using this form.

Learn about our 2023-2024 Grantee Partners.

Through its inclusive and community-driven process, The Fund continues to lead and unite the community through philanthropy and advocacy to ensure that women and girls have resources and opportunities to thrive. If you have any questions about our grantmaking, please contact The Fund at